The Studio: Long Break

The Studio

where being comes before doing

ON HER BALLET TRAINING: Krissy started training at the age of 19 to the amusement of friends and to the horror of her parents. She is a Level C student at the Turning Pointe School of Ballet and dances under the tutelage of former soloist of the Philippine Ballet Theater, Ms. Mylene Saldana. Krissy joined the school in August 2004 but went on a leave of absence in January 2005 to attend to her academics. Krissy resumed attendance in July 2005 and is now doing pointe work. She treats each class as another chance to look less like a delusional klutz and more like a ballerina. She hates left turns and pique en arabesques.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Long Break

Sorry that I haven't been updating. I went on a leave from ballet class last March to free up time and energy for my finals month and now, it's summer vacation. So I won't be doing any ballet until June or July.

But I'm working on routines for the Dance Team at church. The NYCB Workout and Winsor Pilates is giving me lots of help in making a program that will help us tune our bodies for this year's Cantata. I'm trying to tone down the routines I originally pegged because I think they're a bit much for beginnners...not to mention that most of my dancers will be out of shape because of the summer break. But it's coming around and I expect to have a complete set by June.

I recommend that you visit Kristin's site. It's a wonderful peek into the ballet world. =)


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