The Studio: January 2006

The Studio

where being comes before doing

ON HER BALLET TRAINING: Krissy started training at the age of 19 to the amusement of friends and to the horror of her parents. She is a Level C student at the Turning Pointe School of Ballet and dances under the tutelage of former soloist of the Philippine Ballet Theater, Ms. Mylene Saldana. Krissy joined the school in August 2004 but went on a leave of absence in January 2005 to attend to her academics. Krissy resumed attendance in July 2005 and is now doing pointe work. She treats each class as another chance to look less like a delusional klutz and more like a ballerina. She hates left turns and pique en arabesques.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Pictures do you a world of good. They don't only stroke your vanity (there, I've confessed) but they help bring you inspiration and encouragement and help you improve yourself especially when you're a beginner at ballet where you should begin at the age of 9 not 19.

I took a couple more shots of my feet tonight, being urged on by pretty "broken" shanks on my pointes that now cooperate with me.

Here's a non-turned-out coup-de-pied. I couldn't hold my turn-out on pointes when I first worked on my pointes. Plus, the shank is all-new and hasn't broken in.
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Here's a coup-de-pied that has shows me I have more turn-out this time. But it tells me my turn-out needs more work. The shank is friendlier.

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A etrechat that shows I have to go over more and I keep bending my knees.
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A full shot that tells me where I need to improve: arms are crazy, knees and thighs aren't pulled up, I'm slouching, I'm leaning back, and my eyeline is low. Well, I was just warming up...

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I just liked that one. Bad turn-out though. Heck.
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My favorite for this shoot. That's me in fifth, from a weird angle. I have this weird thing with my arm though. I think that's fat.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hey, what do you know? My shoes broke in today. See the shank is hugging my arch!

It's great to have them working with me instead of working against me. I'm not sure if it's just psychological but I feel more balanced, more supported, and I'm having an easier time springing up.

I'm fresh from an exam so I decided to skip ballet class tonight. I just want to lie down and let all these post-exam dregs ebb out so that I can move on in life. It's a little sad but I'll be back in class this Friday and that, my friends, is something I live for.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Enjoy It Ladies!!!

Okay, my legs are trembling from six sets of eleves and two sets of releves. I'm taking this thing seriously because my ankles are so weak.

Last Saturday, Ms. Mye started training us to do clean single pirouettes and attempt doubles. I went red in the face trying so hard and the other ladies were grunting and all. Good thing Ms. Mye says, "Ladies, I want you to enjoy pirouettes and not be terrified about attacking them. You'll get there in time." Man, she nevers fails to encourage.

About my pirouettes, I can so singles but they're rarely clean plus I'm slow on the spotting so after about six sets of singles I'm slightly tipsy. I'm cheating on the attempts to double as I start hopping to get me turning.

We have new barre work this year and it's good stuff. We have faster combinations and more strength training for the ankles. I can balance on first and second demi-pointe so that's another thing to celebrate.

Okay, just a quick update. G2G.